Order of Mercy friars

Take the below survey and Kevin Banet will personally contact you and let you know if you qualify for our Newsletter Signup Program.

    1. Do you write an enewsletter at least once a month?
    No, but we plan toYes, about once a monthMore than once a month

    2. Does your newsletter benefit the reader in some way, and not just talk about your community?
    NoUm, sort ofYes, it talks about our charism and spirituality

    3. Are you aware that you have to nuture your relationship with your audience, rather than just expect them to respond immediately?
    NoUm, sort ofYes, we do

    4. Do you feel you know your audience well? Do you listen to what they say so you can understand how to meet their needs?
    NoUm, sort ofYes, we do

    5. Want to join our newsletter list?YesNo

    6. Questions:



    When is the best time for Kevin to contact you?


    Please fill in what you see (letters are not case-sensitive):

    Contact info for Kevin Banet

    For information on the program, read our “Three ‘musts’ for growing your religious mailing list.”