Order of Mercy friars

I get a lot of encouragement and ideas from books and videos by marketing experts.

But I never expected a big-time executive from London to showcase an unexpected insight about the Catholic Church.

Sir John Hegarty is an advertising legend and a founder of the agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty, and has won awards for his work.

Sir John Hegarty - press to view video

The video begins at John Hegarty’s statement about the Church.

Hegarty is an unlikely candidate to compliment the Church. In fact, the approaches he likes the most in his work is that of “irreverence.” (I won’t even describe some of his commercials.)

That’s why I was surprised to hear him respond, in a talk recorded years ago to young people, to the question, “Who has the best brand?

He tells the story of when he had served on a panel of experts at a talk. When the question about the best brand was presented to the speakers, one mentioned “Coke.” Another, “Nike.”

Hegarty said, “The best brand is the Catholic Church.” 

The Church, he explained, had a simple symbol, a cross. And Catholics make the sign of the cross. Moreover, the world’s great artists have showcased their work in service of the Church: Michelangelo, Bach, Beethoven, etc. And the Church has survived bumps and bruises but continues after two thousand years, “and it’s still going strong.”

Hegarty explained that when he said that to the crowd, jaws dropped. But Hegarty has a handle on symbolism, meaning and the philosophy of life. That day he told it as it was. (The video is above.)

So when you step into the church during this Triduum, think of the enduring meaning behind Our Lord Jesus Christ and his Church, and God’s merciful offer of salvation.

May we be worthy of calling ourselves His disciples.