How can you take the message of who you are to your vocation candidates?
A founder’s video is an excellent way.
Here are three reasons why a video outlining how your community or congregation got started is so important. It will 1) Explain who you are, 2) Let others know what is driving your community, and 3) video is a great vehicle to get your message across.
(See my video above to get a more complete explanation. If you like the video, go onto our YouTube channel and like, comment and share the video. This will help raise our rankings and tell everyone about religious and consecrated life.)
It’s easy to make a personal video nowadays. You can use your cell phone or laptop. Use Facebook Live, or Live Stream on YouTube. You don’t need any software or fancy camera equipment. Just speak right into the camera as you would if you were talking to a friend.
The videos are live while you make them. If you flub up, you can delete the video and start over. If you want to edit them, you can download them (at least on Facebook), edit them and then upload them.
Videos have a sense of immediacy and are very personal. Your enthusiasm and knowledge of religious and consecrated life come across well. You can also embed them in your newsletters, and on your website. Thus, you have a video which will serve your information purposes for months and years.
You can thus use video for marketing your vocations.
See also our post on, Facebook Live Video strengthens your personal connection with vocation candidates.