Order of Mercy friars

Laptop texting software solves the “fat finger” problem.

Would you like to text four or five vocation prospects at a time without fiddling around with your cellphone?

Wouldn’t it be nice to use your laptop to send those messages?

Or, have you been having trouble calling your vocation prospects?

Do they refrain from picking up the phone?

It’s probably because they don’t recognize your number.

There must be an easier way.

There is. We have found that texting religious prospects is a great ice-breaker when it comes to starting a conversation with potential vocations. Other vocation directors whom we have met also find this to be true.

And if you’re sending five or more texts in one sitting, it’s easier to do it with one of the many desktop or laptop SMS texting softwares available than fumbling around with your fingers on a cell phone.

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Simplifying texting religious prospects

We looked at a number of text messaging softwares, and one that we like is MySms.com. This software allows you to send and receive texts using your desktop, laptop or tablet. You can also send the same message to multiple people. This saves a lot of time. Just copy and paste into the send window.

One feature of MySms is that it uses the phone number you already have. So when you send a message from your laptop, you’re really sending it from your cell phone number.

Thus, you can send a dozen messages on your laptop, and then later in the day, when you are out of the office, you can pick up the replies on your cell phone. Another handy feature is that the texts that your normally receive on your cell are also received on your laptop. That means that when you are sitting in your office and get a text message, you can read it on your computer without pulling your cell phone out of your pocket. Makes life simpler.

Our video above describes how this software works. It also reviews our vocations quiz response sheet, specifically how you can copy and paste the phone numbers onto your laptop MySms software.

I prefer copy and paste because it is more accurate and faster that just typing it in.

So, do you want to make texting religious prospects easier?  Use this software to overcome the “I don’t recognize this number” problem with your vocation candidates. And when they read your text, they are more likely to trust you and answer your phone calls.