Order of Mercy friars

Are vocation prospects slipping out your door because they cannot read your website?

I’m sure that a lot of young persons are losing interest in certain religious communities because their websites are not mobile-friendly.

Is yours one of them?

In recent years, more and more people – especially millennials – are turning to mobile devices to browse the internet. They are losing the laptop and seizing their smartphone.

(My video above shows three religious websites that miss the mark when it comes to mobile.)

The young people might be browsing on Facebook, or searching the IRL or CMSWR website, and they come upon your site. Will they squint their eyes because your font size is too small?

If your website is not mobile-friendly, they will lose interest and move on. Both the IRL and CMSWR sites are popular starting points for many young Catholics looking for a religious vocation. But what happens when they click on your link?

My video above shows three real-life examples of religious websites that miss the mark when it comes to mobile. Other terms for this are mobile compatible and mobile responsive. Have you looked at your website on a smartphone lately?

Millennials use mobile 91% over desktop

Of 34 online activities used by millennials tracked by Global Web Index, as reported on SmartInsights.com, 31 used a mobile device rather than a desktop. That is 91% of uses. (See graph below.)

Let us make your website mobile-friendly

Don’t be satisfied with the way your website is now. We at VocationPromotion.com can design a beautiful website for you that is informative, attractive, and mobile-friendly. Check out our website design service. We can also give you a free 15-minute analysis of your site, and show you on a Skype call how it looks on a mobile device.

Call us at the number at the top of this page, or contact us today.