Order of Mercy friars
Want to make your life at the office easier?
You might be helped by learning about this easy-to-use and very practical office software. You may be very competent, but even highly skilled people can often make office operations much easier and faster with online software that costs little, or nothing. The strength of these softwares is that various people can log in from across the office, or the world, and access the same data. 
Lately we’ve been offering phone training, via screen share, that helps vocation workers. 
I assume most people know the Microsoft Office programs. Here are the skills that I can teach you beyond those:

Helpful Online Software:

Capsule CRM – handy way to keep track of candidates. Records your emails to them. 
Google docs – Word, speadsheet, surveys, power-point type software, etc. 
Canva – a fun art program for making cartoon – type images of people, as well as text.
Easel.ly – another art program, better at infographics. It has arrrows, shapes and simple human figures
Mailchimp – mailing software with autoresponders, which are automated series of newsletters. 
I require at least three 45-minute sessions. If you’re interested, let me know and I can tell you more of the particulars, such as cost.