Order of Mercy friars

Is the media finally waking up?

This past year, one of the most popular TV talk shows, Oprah, featured the Dominican Sisters of Ann Arbor. The sisters were featured this past spring, as well as several weeks ago. And today, NPR Radio devoted a lengthy segment to another group, the Dominican Sisters of Nashville.

The Dominicans in Nashville are young, enthusiastic, and full of zeal for serving God, and NPR does a thorough job of asking why these women, many of whom are in their 20’s, would give up so many worldly attractions for a life of prayer and discipline.

Not every religious community can boast of such publicity. And one wonders why certain communities seem to get a lot of limelight. You have to admit, they are deserving of it. Yet, all the boats rise with the tide, and this publicity lets everyone know that there are vibrant communities out there who are serving God faithfully. If there is one such community, there must be others, many will know. And so some women so motivated might find their way to your community.