Order of Mercy friars
Christ knocks at the door of your heart. Click and see the video.

Just take the next step, and you will receive the answers, Sr. Michael says in the video.

A new video by the Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi provides fresh insight on finding one’s vocation and also gives interesting vocation stories of a number of sisters.

Sr. Michael, Vicar Provincial of the congregation, for example, explains that a fear of not having all the answers is stopping a lot of young women from seeking a beautiful vocation as a religious sister.

“That’s where the fear is,” explains Sr. Michael, of the Lacon, IL congregation. “The person is hesitating to take that next step because they don’t have all the answers. You are not going to have all the answers, until you take that next step. And then the answers will come.”

Candid talk

In a candid, unscripted video interview, Sr. Michael provides fresh insight on overcoming reluctance in pursuing a vocation, and also on the spiritual benefits of living in a community dedicated to following Christ through the life of St. Francis. Other sisters are interviewed as well, and their vocation stories are refreshing and reveal a sincere walking of the path toward religious life.

The video, which has been viewed nearly two thousand times in its first week, is nine minutes long and was produced by the Sisters to let others know about a vocation to their community.

Community life a mystery

“Let me tell you what it’s like to be in a community of sisters,” Sr. Michael implores. “It’s a mystery at first because you realize that there is a spiritual bond with each one of them…. We all come from different parts of the world and different parts of the country. Yet we all have that bond, that common bond…. That bond follows us into eternity.”

Photo of Bishop Jenky.

Bishop Jenky is impressed with the Sisters.

The video also features an interview with the congregation’s bishop, Most Rev. Daniel R. Jenky, Bishop of Peoria, who says, “I am very happy to say I have great admiration for the zeal of the Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi.”

The Sisters’ provincial motherhouse is in Lacon, IL, and the congregation has its general house in Bratislava, Slovak Republic. They have been operating St. Joseph Nursing Home in Lacon since 1964.

The video, “Living the Radical Love of St. Francis,” shows how the charism of a community and the happiness of its members can be proclaimed to the world. Vocation Promotion converted the video to web format, added it to the sisters’ website and promoted it to its network of social media and religious websites.

The video can be seen here.